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Getting Started with McKinney-Vento Training

Welcome to the McKinney-Vento Training platform! Below is a compilation of all the information you’ll need to get started.

Introduction Training Video

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Which role should I choose during registration?

    If your role or job title is not available during the above registration process, here is some information to help you determine the right role to select during registration (and which course to take once you have access).

    At the moment, the list of courses below is what we currently have available. The course will be based on how you interact with students on a daily basis. It will show you how to identify a child who may be experiencing homelessness based on those daily interactions. If your role is not available when creating your account, please choose the course that is the closest to your role.

    Here are a few examples that may help:

    Administration: Principals, Superintendents, School Leaders, School Boards

    Extracurricular Staff: Coaches, Assistants, P.E. Teachers, Custodians/Janitors, School Safety/Security.

    Counselors and Social Worker: School Counselors, Social Workers, School Psychologists

    Early Childhood: Child Care and Preschool Directors, Classroom Teachers

    Enrollment: Office Staff, School Secretaries, Pupil Accounting, Registrars, and Human Resources.

    Healthcare Professionals: Nurses, Nurse Aids

    Food Service: Food Service Directors, Line Staff, Cafeteria workers.

    Media Centers and Librarians: School Librarians, Media Specialists, Library Directors

    Special Education:  Special Education Directors, Teachers, Paraprofessionals

    Teachers: Classroom Teachers, Teacher Assistants/Aids

    Title I: Coordinators, State & Federal Program Supervisors, Title I staff

    Transportation: Transportation Directors, Coordinators and Drivers

    Our product development is currently working on courses that are not listed, including janitorial staff. If you have any other suggestions, we’d love to hear your feedback.

  • How long will it take to finish the Liaison training?

    Completion of the Liaison training depends on the liaison’s level of knowledge and experience. Veteran liaisons can usually skip to the tests, pass each one, and earn a certificate within an hour or so. New liaisons who need to watch the videos and read the resources in order to pass the tests will require longer – on average, 4-5 hours to complete.

    Whether you are a District Liaison or a School Liaison, you will take the same 4-hour training. The requirement to take the training will depend on your district/county/state.

    We hope this answers your question!  Should you have any questions or if you encounter any issues, please let us know at support@mckinney-vento.org.

  • What is a liaison?

    A staff member in a school or district who has been given the title of “Liaison” ensures any student who is experiencing homelessness is identified, enrolled in school, and helps them receive all eligible services to facilitate student academic success.

    Some of their responsibilities include (but is not limited to) awareness, guidance, determining eligibility, enrollment and school selection, access to services such as food and transportation, working with parents and guardians and working with unaccompanied youth.

    Should you be given this role by your district or state, you may register as a Liaison at https://training.mckinney-vento.org/register If you have not been hired as a Liaison, you may register as a staff member on the same link, just make sure to select “I am NOT a liaison”.

    More information:

    The McKinney-Vento Act requires local educational agencies to identify children and youth experiencing homelessness, and connect them with educational and other needed supports. The Act also requires every school district to designate an appropriate staff person, known as the local homeless education liaison, who is able to carry out the duties of the position as described in the law.

    Districts may have different titles, such as homeless advocate or success worker, for individuals who do this work; however, there is a requirement that every public school district appoint one person as the designated Homeless Liaison. Check out our Resource Library for more information on the required duties of the Homeless Liaison.

  • Do you train in my state?

    We can train in ALL states! Learn more or schedule a demo on our website: 


Knowledge Base

Please visit our Knowledge Base for the training platform to read additional help articles about navigating and using the site.

You can also use the individual links below:

Upcoming Live Q&A

The next training platform Q&A will be scheduled soon. Thanks to everyone who attended! We’ll send out an email blast when the next webinar is on the schedule.

Updated on February 19, 2024
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