
How do I prevent email going to my spam folder?

There might be an instance where you are expecting an email from us and your firewall blocks our email domains and marks us as spam. For example, whenever you register an account, you will be sent an email from our site that will allow you to complete your registration by creating a password. You may also receive emails when you contact the support team.

Please share the following PDF file with your IT department so they can whitelist emails coming from McKinney-Vento.

My Video is not working / Page is not loading

This issue may be happening for a number of reasons. Please follow the suggestions below to see if it helps with the video / page issue:

1. Check your internet connection. If the site is taking a while to load or there is a “Connection Timed-Out” error, you can log out, reboot your system, and go back at a later time. Refreshing the page most of the time does the trick as well!

2. If you are on your mobile device, you might want to switch to working on a laptop/PC. While the website is optimized for most mobile devices, some mobile device software may be unable to support the functions of the page you are currently on.

3. You can opt to switch browsers. Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari work best with our website.

4. If all of the solutions mentioned above did not work, you might want to consult your school administrator to see if the website needs to be whitelisted due to firewall restrictions. This only applies if you are using the school’s internet connection/device when accessing the course.

If you continue to have issues, please submit a ticket to our support department.

How to Exit the MV Helper Chat Window

If you are on our site and need to exit the MV Helper window, click the “X” on the bottom right.

Updated on January 10, 2024
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